I can do this..


Weather was a little hairy today. It was the usual touch n go's again. I am definitely getting better. I put all 5 down - 4 had crosswind, 1 head-on. I notice now on final, I am trying to block out the minor input from Bruce in order to focus. He did say weeks ago that I "would know when I was ready to solo because you will be thinking to yourself 'I wish he'd shut up'."lol

We decided to bring the lesson to a close when on climb-out, I saw a bolt of lightening not a mile away. The weather was weird, we had blue skies, yet there were patches of rain clouds. It must have had a bad forecast - the guy after me had to cancel his 3 hour cross country.

Bruce mentioned that I could bring along my wife with the video cam to shoot my solo, not next week, but the week after. Gulp.

It turns out that if I really wished so, I could arrange to solo on my birthday, the trouble is, it kinda panics me labeling a date in the calendar for the solo. I think I prefer the 'I wonder if it's going to be today' approach.